Prof - Jeremy Couillard
Office - C-745
View dynamic GoogleDoc of syllabus HERE
View dynamic GoogleDoc of class demos and demo files HERE
View LaGuardia New Media homepage HERE
LaGuardia academic schedule HERE
Readings (some recommended some required)
- Olia Lialina - Turing Complete User
- Michael Hanlon - The Golden Quarter
- Don't Hassel the WWW
- 22-Year-Old Gets Job at Website
Free Software:
- Atom Text Editor
- Moqups-wireframe page layout
- Gimp-Free Photoshop alternative
- Slides from leture on fonts/color
- Slides from lecture on grids
- Slides from lecture on modernism/post-modernism
- Better Website Navigation
- Slides from lecture on forms
- Colour Lovers
- Worqx - A good resource for color theory
- Google Fonts
- InternetIsBeautiful - Reddit thread of beautiful web pages
- - show off and discover design work
Current Student Web Pages
- Fatima
- Paola Ayala
- Coby
- Jackeline
- Yamil Cifuentes
- Jay(Jada)
- Dayana
- Josh
- Eric Duran
- Mario
- Joseph
- Syed
- Guan Yu
- Lu Liu
- Joel
- Priya
- Michelle
- Jordan
- Romaine Richards
- Mylenna Santiago
- Kevin Santos
- Lydia
- rongfei
- Duvante